Fifth Sunday of Lent 2021


I will draw all to myself
“Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all to myself”.

Being lifted up suggests glory. The great of this earth are raised on the podium: the great stars of show business, sports and politicians in their official photos. Jesus’ podium, on the other hand, is the scaffold of the cross. Elevated on it, he is the light placed on the candlestick that sheds light on all nations. It is the opprobium of the cross that horrifies and fascinates at the same time, attracting the sighs and hopes of every man on earth. In it the glory of God mysteriously shines forth; in it every man finds his place and his home.

  Lifted up             
I love you, Jesus,
you who have been lifted up
exposed to vituperation,
to derision,
to mockery.
I love you, crucified,
because I know that on the day
that you were lifted up,
you were thinking of me and my salvation.

Taken from the book Il Vangelo si fa strada by Roberta Vinerba, Paoline 2019.
