
Easter 2024

Resurrection is not a future event. We resurrect right now every time we immerse ourselves in the deep silence that allows us to slow down our life, release our tensions, and look at ourselves with infinite compassion. Resurrection is not a future event: it is the perfume of life that we already experience right now…

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Third Sunday of Lent 2024

  MAKE  love ESPLODERE (JOHN 2:13-25) With the determination of a child learning to walk, Jesus attempts in today’s Gospel to set a new course, reversing the old one. It means refusing to turn God’s sacred dwelling into a marketplace and, instead, allowing the Divine One to emerge and fertilize even the marketplace. This reversal… Read more »

Second Sunday of Lent 2024

  OH FOR A LITTLE   light! (Mark 9:2-10) We seem to hear Peter demanding in his heart: Why so much radiance, Lord? Why dazzle us with all this light when it will come to an end? How can we bear the burden of darkness after experiencing the caressing light of your transfiguring beauty? After… Read more »