The FSPs on YouTube


To meet the needs of the moment due to the new coronavirus, Covid-19, the FSPs of Korea have expanded their digital productions through the creation of YouTube video clips on opportune themes:

– A series of prayers on specific topics, each one about 6 minutes long, entitled Sister, please pray for us:


– The reading of the Bible every Sunday in Korean, English, Italian, Spanish and Chinese (about 10 minutes long), entitled Reading the Bible with the Pauline Sisters:


In addition, our sisters have created various video clips relating to the liturgical calendar, the Way of the Cross and Eucharistic adoration, all in response to the invitation of Blessed James Alberione, who said: “In the Pauline apostolate, your horizons become ever broader and more beautiful…. If people do not go to church, then we must transform into churches the places they frequent, and into pulpits the technical instruments they use.”