Seeds of the Word, Signs of the Times


Observing the proper precautions (green passes and face masks), on 11 November 2021, the FSP International Multimedia Center in Rome hosted a presentation of the book, Semi del Verbo, Segni dei tempi (Seeds of the Word, Signs of the Times), published by Pauline Editions. This important and relevant book explores various attitudes to adopt and paths to follow in approaching theology in today’s de-Christianized culture.

The author, well-known Italian theologian Giuseppe Lorizio, professor at the Pontifical Lateran University, says that today it is necessary to read the seeds of the Word, which are the signs of the times, that is, to take a creative and inductive approach to theology by bending down to glean and gather the seeds spread by Christianity throughout the world and throughout history. And it is necessary to do this with a humble closeness to the earth, to the tragedies of the refugees, to today’s countless wars and uncertainties, to the global pandemic disaster….

The book presentation led its participants, which included many religious authorities and teachers, to reflect on and compare ideas in the light of the Christian faith about the meaning of current world events.