February 5, 2010 – A Day of Prayer for Haiti in memory of Maestra Tecla


Suor M. Antonieta Bruscato, superior general fsp, writes to all the Daughters of St. Paul of the world, asking them to pray for Haiti on the anniversary of the death of Ven. Tecla Merlo.

?During these past days, more than once Pope Benedict XVI has asked us to ?pray? for the people of Haiti in addition to helping them. It is for this that I invite you to dedicate the day of February 5th as a day of intense prayer ?In the Company of Maestra Tecla?.
Dearest Sisters, I think that the best way to remember Maestra Tecla is that of praying with her for those who died in Haiti, for the survivors, for all the people of good will who are working to help toward the reconstruction and the rebirth of the country.
This prayer could be made not only personally and as a community, but also by including our lay collaborators and the persons who, on February 5th, will enter our centers of apostolate.
We all know how powerful her intercession is!?