Endings and Beginnings


The International Seminar for FSP Formators, held in Rome from 10 October to 10 December 2010, concluded with a solemn Eucharistic Celebration followed by the singing of the Magnificat. The two-month course was characterized by intensive study, reflection, group work and prayer during which the participants–the Institute’s Pre-Postulant, Postulant and Novice mistresses from 19 different countries–focused their attention on coming to a deeper grasp of the formation itinerary proposed by Blessed James Alberione in his book, Donec Formetur Christus in Vobis.

The participants drew up a Final Document containing the priorities and pedagogical guidelines that will be incorporated into the formation projects of all our circumscriptions. These guidelines can help our formators accompany our young women in their efforts to make the spirit of Donec Formetur their own and put it into practice, thus embarking, already in the pre-postulancy, postulancy and novitiate, on the path leading to conformity to Christ with open and receptive hearts, ready to discover the will of the Father, who is calling them and sending them out “to proclaim the unfathomable riches of the mystery of Christ.”

In her concluding address to the group, Sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato, Superior General, said: “The Lord, who granted you the grace of being able to participate in this Seminar and who allowed you to savor more deeply the gift and beauty of the Pauline charism, is now asking you to share your experiences with all the members of your circumscriptions and communities, and above all with the Institute’s young women. I have no doubt that this sharing will rekindle in everyone the flame of the charism and a burning love for God and for humanity.”