Coronavirus, Apostolate and Social Networks


The FSPs of Colombia-Ecuador have been carrying out many apostolic initiatives during the coronavirus pandemic. They signed an agreement with Hipertexto (a company that markets books and e-books on 60 platforms) to distribute 39 FSP titles under the slogan of a campaign entitled #YoLeoyAyudoDesdeCasa. This initiative, which runs from April to June, is donating 10% of its revenues to the Red Cross to help meet the needs of the pandemia crisis. To encourage dissemination and also help people who are forced to stay at home, our sisters and their authors are working together to hold virtual book launches, meetings, conferences, forums, etc. They are also collaborating with our children’s books authors to set up online spaces creatively designed for kids. Moreover, they plan to produce 23 titles from the FSP book catalogue as audiobooks with the help of the Swedish company Storytel. In addition to all this, our sisters are also participating in the #YoLeoEnCasa digital book campaign, promoted by the Colombian Book Association.

Our sisters tell us that the country’s XXXIII International Book Fair (21 April–5 May) has been transformed into a virtual event: digital platforms to transmit the programmed events are available and an online commercial showcase has been set up to foster the sale of publications.

We have also been informed that the FSPs are present on the Catholic TV channel Cristovisión program Conexión Vital by means of a social media space entitled The Family: a Gift of God, through which they offer messages and videos to support and motivate people suffering because of the ongoing pandemic. In addition, they continue to promote the Edhumani platform so as to reach every person, family and place with spiritual input (retreats, conferences, etc.) characterized by optimism and hope.

The province’s virtual chapel and online radio programs continue to sow seeds that will undoubtedly sprout and grow like the biblical mustard seed because this is the “hour of God,” our sisters affirm, and therefore it is also “our hour.”