
First Sunday of Lent 2019

  Dt. 26:4-10; Ps. 90; Rm. 10:8-13; Lk. 4:1-13 Put to the Test To be tempted means to be tested. In this regard, a verse from the Book of Sirach is very illuminating: “My child, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for an ordeal. Be sincere of heart, be steadfast. Do not… Read more »

But what use is it to fast…

But what use is it to fast and abstain from eating meat if with your wickedness all you do is to gnaw at your brother? What do you gain in God’s eyes from not eating your own food if later, acting unfairly, you snatch from their hands the food of the poor? Saint Gregory of… Read more »

Does the “digital person” really pay scant heed to the spirit?

The Internet is not like a system of water or gas lines. Nor is it a mass of cables, wires, tablets, cell phones and computers. It would be a mistake to identify the Internet and its use with the technological infrastructure that makes connection possible. Today the Web is, above all in its mobile form,… Read more »

Memorial of M. Thecla’s birth to heaven

Letter of Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan

Dearest Sisters, As we prepare to celebrate the 55th anniversary of M. Thecla’s birth to heaven, I think it would be wonderful to take a look at our Mother so as to learn from her, feel her close to us, and receive light and encouragement from her experience. Maestra Thecla was a woman capable of …

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The Lord entered her

Saint Ephrem, Hymn De Nativitate 11: 6-8)

The Lord entered her and became a servant; he Word entered her, and became silent within her; thunder entered her and his voice was still; the Shepherd of all entered her; he became a Lamb in her, and came forth bleating. The belly of your Mother changed the order of things, O you who order… Read more »

Feast of Mary, Mother of God 2019

  Treasure Your Story Mary treasured all these words in her heart (Lk. 2:19). Perhaps you too have had occasion to treasure in your heart mysterious words you heard, events that were not very clear, unforgettable encounters, or else vibrant memories that yielded new meaning, gave rise to a fresh way of seeing things and prompted… Read more »