Annual Meeting of the Southern Africa Delegation


The FSPs of South Africa and Mozambique gathered in Maputo from 27-29 December 2011 for the first annual meeting of their new delegation. In a serene and fraternal climate, the communities of the two countries presented a very interesting report on our Pauline life and apostolate in its particular geographical area.

A significant moment was the presentation of the post-synodal exhortation Africae Munus by Sr. Olga Masango, who highlighted the document’s most important points and the challenges facing Africa with regard to reconciliation, justice and peace. Sr. Olga sought to read the document in the light of the charism of Blessed James Alberione so as to help the sisters pinpoint new paths for the apostolate and revitalize their efforts to respond to the needs of the people on this continent.

The members of this newly-founded delegation were heartened by the atmosphere of joy and the spirit of collaboration that pervaded the encounter, saying that it laid a good foundation for launching the new year in a spirit of faith, love and commitment to the Pauline mission.