With the Gaze of a Friend

Blessed are those who look at others with the gaze of a friend
and accept each person without
cultural, religious or racial prejudices.
Blessed are those who try to live in harmony
with family members, neighbors, colleagues and strangers,
rising above the inevitable problems linked to relationships.
Blessed are those who do not harbor grudges,
who shrug off unkind words and actions,
and who do not force others to live according to their preferences.
 Blessed are those who communicate
respectfully and kindly with others, listening above all
to what the weakest persons have to say.
Blessed are those who are kind to themselves,
who live serenely with their limitations
and who are not shocked by what goes on around them.
Blessed are those who always use the good
as a starting point for building a world
in which every person can feel at home.
Blessed are those who prize the differences
that characterize human beings,
because these differences reveal the name
by which God calls each one of us.
Blessed are those who cling to the dream
that when we let our differences shine forth
their colors will form an immense rainbow,
a sign of fraternity and peace,
that will bathe the whole world in light and warmth.
G. Q.