
Easter 2023

Letter of Sr. Anna Caiazza, Superior General

Dearest Sisters and young women in formation, With great joy and renewed awe I greet you with the proclamation that grounds our faith, sustains our hope, and motivates our love: Christ is risen! He is truly risen! This proclamation makes us race ahead and gives wings to our heart…because it is impossible to contain the…

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Easter Sunday 2023

Mary of Magdala and the other Mary go to visit the tomb of Jesus. Matthew’s Gospel doesn’t say why because the reason doesn’t matter. Are they going to anoint the body of Jesus or to complete some funeral rite? The fact that they just go is beautiful to me. Their simple act, which can be…

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Palm Sunday 2023

The crowds spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and strewed them along the route.We must return to loving our roads: those roads that enable us to take steps towards Life; those roads that offer possibilities for relationships; those roads that savor and anticipate the promise of a…

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Fifth Sunday of Lent 2023

When Jesus hears that Lazarus is sick, he remains right where he is for another two days.  He does not race to the side of his friend. He is the Lord of time, so it is he who decides when to move. When he reaches the tomb of Lazarus, Martha says sorrowfully: Lord, if you…

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Fourth Sunday of Lent 2023

He’s such an annoying man. There he sits by the side of the road: a blind beggar who is nevertheless terribly alive, so alive that he pierces our gaze, so alive that he forces us to respond, so alive that it makes us hurt. Why is he like that? Jesus, however, sees the mendicant in …

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70th anniversary of the pontifical approval of the Constitutions

Letter of Sr. Anna Caiazza, Superior General

Dearest Sisters, On March 15 we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the pontifical approval of the Constitutions and, therefore, of our Institute. With Maestra Thecla, we praise and thank the Lord “because, with the certainty that comes to us from the official recognition of the Church, we can say, ‘We are in the will of God…

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