“Study is necessary for perfecting the individual and for the apostolate” (cf. CISP 167)


In 2009-2010, three Daughters of St. Paul from our Korean Province and one from our Italian Province successfully completed their university studies in Italy. Below is a brief summary of their theses:

Sr. Agnese (Yeo Jin) Yun earned a Master’s Degree in Spirituality from the Theological Fac-ulty of the Teresianum Institute of Spirituality after presenting her thesis, entitled: “Prayer: Light and Power of the Apostolic Life.” The work compares prayer in the thought of St. Teresa of Avila and Blessed James Alberione. It concludes with Alberione’s words: “Prayer above all; prayer the life of all. Prayer obtains life and gives life to everything.”

Sr. Fidelis (Jae Shin) No earned a Diploma in Spirituality from the Pontifical Gregorian Uni-versity’s Institute of Spirituality after presenting her thesis on the theme: “Formation of the Charism in St. Paul and in Blessed James Alberione.” The work, the fruit of the author’s re-search into the texts of both Paul and Alberione, examines their proposals from the perspec-tives of spirituality and formation.

“The Spirituality of the Laity in the Evangelization of the Daughter of St. Paul”: this is the title of the thesis presented by Sr. Ilma (Yung Ran) Yun in partial fulfillment of the require-ments for a diploma from the Pontifical Gregorian University’s Institute of Spirituality. The thesis reflects on the urgent need for the Daughters of St. Paul to prepare themselves to col-laborate with the laity, as well as on the equally urgent need for the witness of life, for crea-tive and dynamic fidelity to the charism and for a change of mentality so as to discover to-gether with our Pauline collaborators new horizons for communicating Christ in today’s cul-ture of communications.

Sr. Teresa Stagnetto concluded her studies at the Institute for Religious Sciences in Emilia Romagna with the presentation of a thesis that focuses on the spirituality of the Pauline Fam-ily. Entitled, “The Christocentric Vision of Blessed James Alberione,” the work gives readers a better understanding of the genesis of this thought, so central to our life, and also a better grasp of the heritage Blessed James Alberione left to the Church and to the members of the Pauline Family.