Mary, Mother of God 2022


Mother of the bewildered

Lk. 2:16-21

Virgin Mother, daughter of your Son, in whom your Creator did not disdain to become your creature” (Dante).
Mary is the mother of those who find it hard to understand what is happening. With the serenity of a person permeated by love, she became her Son’s disciple. We know she was not spared doubts and questions because one day she sought out Jesus with the intention of taking him home, wondering if he had gone mad.
Nor was she spared pain since love does not take away the sufferings of the beloved. Instead, it accompanies, supports and suffers with the loved one.
After a lifetime spent slowly maturing in the light of her Son, Mary’s attitude was not that of a Madonna but of a disciple. Clinging to the infamous Cross, she discovered that a person finds fulfillment in life not by living the divine Law uprightly but through a love that remains steadfast to the very end.
Mary allowed God to expand, to become great, in her. And by consenting to this divine activity, she became great herself. She too expanded and became fully herself. She blossomed.
When a person is interiorly empty, God finds enough space to expand, to increase. Our poverty is the place where God can increase in us.

What is our life if not a slow journey of self-construction, of continuous rebirth? This happens through the process of humanization, incarnation, until we reach the perfection of God, our Father.

Taken from the Homilies of Fr. Paolo Scquizzato

