Formation Course: DigitalMente Paoline


In harmony with our Chapter Document, which directs us to “facilitate moments of formation and updating on the digital media so as to make the most of the perspectives that they offer to evangelization” (CD 45.3), our Italian Province has programmed a course entitled DigitalMente Paoline–a formative proposal of the Provincial Government in the area of ongoing formation and studies. The initiative springs from an analysis of the results of two surveys sent to all the circumscription’s communities, with the aim of “photographing” personal and community needs concerning a deeper study of digital culture and the use of today’s new technologies.

The replies to the surveys revealed a desire for formation regarding how to understand the general principles, mechanisms and logic behind evolving digital technologies, as well as the desire to get to know the function and use of different devices. In addition, the sisters expressed their need to understand how digital technologies can help communication, creativity, innovation and everything related to our specific apostolate.

The course consists of two modules:

theoretical: ten videos (each about 30 minutes long) on the main themes of the digital culture, to be watched as a community;

practical: four online workshops, for which personal registration is required.

This formation initiative was realized thanks to the collaboration of some Daughters of St. Paul with external experts who, with expertise and experience, offered their contributions on specific issues.
