First World Day for Children


The first World Day for Children proclaimed by Pope Francis took place in Rome on May 25th and 26th 2024.

On May 25, the event kicked off at the Olympic Stadium with the greeting of foreign delegations and guests of national and international fame leading up to the most anticipated moment: a dialogue of boys and girls with the Holy Father.

On May 26 the event then moved to St. Peter’s Square for an introduction to the Eucharistic celebration and the Celebration itself, presided over by the Holy Father. It concluded with the Angelus and the Pope’s greeting to children from around the world.

Siamo noi (We are), the official anthem of this WDC (World Day for Children), bears the signature of the well-known author and composer Marco Frisina. His song is produced and distributed by the Paulines. The song expresses the extraordinary preciousness of children, who are a sign of hope, especially for today’s world, darkened by violence, and in need of their innocence and joy. Children are the newness of the world because in their eyes there is only the future, they have no past and they are looking towards a new future that they will be able to build with the freedom and beauty of their innocence. They give hope to adults and bring love where selfishness is rampant and where pain extinguishes a smile and creates sadness.

The refrain of the hymn is joyful and solemn, it wants to express the strength of the hope that children spread with their presence, a serenity as contagious as their smile.

In addition to the song which is being streamed on the major digital platforms, the music score, the instrumental base and the video with the lyrics of the song are also available on YouTube.