Epiphany 2022


Moving toward new horizons

Matthew 2:1-12

Human beings are not completed works but perfectible ones–we are works in progress. Thus it is necessary to move ahead so as to discover new horizons, refusing to be satisfied with pre-established truths, sterile dogmatic definitions, and starchy catechisms. The Jewish tradition says: “Nothing is written once and for all. There is meaning still to be discovered” (M. Muller Colard).

The idol-worshipping Magi are actually very evangelical because the Gospel does not offer solutions; it does not point out obligatory paths to follow; it does not simplify life. The Gospel is for the restless, for those who leave their shelters and nests, for those who refuse to let stones be turned into enough bread to last a lifetime.

Christianity is an adventure of faith. It is for those who are willing to take risks, as opposed to a religion that treats its god like a life insurance policy.

Being a Christian means refusing to “color within the lines.” It means learning to rebel against and ignore all the laws that will never permit a human being to blossom.

Only then will a person experience grace, just as the Magi experienced the Child. But let us keep in mind that “grace is not peace, and peace is not placidity” (M. Muller Colard).

To be a disciple of Jesus does not mean becoming a better person. It means finally becoming who we are.
It means paying homage, like the Magi, to life in its most fragile and defenseless state. It means realizing that only those who share their inner world with others can hope to transform the outer world.

Taken from the Homilies of Fr. Paolo Scquizzato

