Theme of the 47th World Communications Day


Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization: this is the theme chosen by Pope Benedict XVI for the 47th World Communications Day.

“It is not simply a question of how to use the Internet as a means of evangelization,” the Pontifical Council of Social Communications said in its press release, “but instead of how to evangelize in a context where the lives of people find expression also in the digital arena.”

The press release highlighted the fact that one of the most important challenges facing the task of evangelization today is that which is emerging from the digital environment:

“The theme suggests a series of important points for reflection. During a time in which technology has emerged as part of the fabric of connectivity of human experiences, such as relationships and knowledge, we need to ask: can it help men and women meet Christ in faith? It is not enough to find an adequate language, but rather, it is necessary to learn how to present the Gospel as the answer to that basic human yearning for meaning and faith, which has already found expression online.”