The World’s Great Religions Sign an Agreement Against Modern Slavery


Eradicating modern-day slavery and human trafficking in the world by 2020 is the goal of an agreement announced today at the same time in the Vatican, in Cairo, London and Perth. The agreement, signed so far on behalf of Pope Francis, the great Imam of Al Azhar, the Archbishop of Canterbury and founder of Walk Free Foundation, inaugurated the Global Freedom Network (GFN).

In a joint statement the signatories of the declaration highlight the violent destructive capacity of modern-day slavery and trafficking in human beings and invite other Christian Churches and religions of the world to intervene.

The document, presented at the Vatican, states that “modern slavery and human trafficking are crimes against humanity. The physical, economic and sexual exploitation of men, women and children condemns 30 million people to dehumanization and degradation.”
“The Global Freedom Network, the statement continues, “will take up the instruments of faith–prayer, fasting and almsgiving. There will be a world day of prayer for the victims and for their freedom.”