Soul Festival: Celebrating the Marvels of Creation


From 13-17 March, the first edition of Soul: A Spirituality Festival was held in Milan, with the participation of many of the best-known protagonists from every cultural sphere: writers, philosophers, theologians, scholars, etc. Organized by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and the Archdiocese of Milan under the patronage of the Municipality of Milan, the Festival sought to put people in everyday settings in contact with the contemplative dimension of life through a wide range of lectures, dialogues, shows, concerts, artistic performances, experiential workshops, meditative moments, music and activities for schools, developed around the theme Wonder: the Source of Everything.”

A special feature of the Soul Festival is its openness, not only the physical openness characterized by typical urban venues, but also the openness of dialogue extended to all religions and all cultural, artistic and expressive expressions. The organizers of the event said they wanted to offer the general public the chance to interrupt their usual routines so as to explore various themes of spirituality because everyone needs a balance between the ideal and spiritual dimensions of life.