The Gift of a Book…


The Daughters of St. Paul of Valencia, who just celebrated the 70th anniversary of Pauline pres-ence in this important Spanish city, recently carried out another “go forth” initiative.

Prior to Christmas, the book center staff sought to interest their clients in purchasing books for children to be donated to the Colegio de Niños Huérfanos de San Vicente Ferrer Or-phanage, and to write a personalized dedication on the flyleaf of the title(s) they chose. Friends and patrons of the book center appreciated the initiative very much and about 100 books were purchased for this purpose.

The books were then given to the children directly during a Christmas party held at the orphanage. Each child received his/her gift as part of a program that included educational ani-mations, games and songs, all carried out in a spirit of joy. The event concluded with a Eucha-ristic Celebration.

In past years, our sisters of Valencia have held a variety of go forth campaigns, one of which was a mission to disseminate books in prisons and another to carry out the same initiative in a poor quarter of the city. Our sisters say they rejoice in these opportunities to reach people who do not come into the book center and that going forth in this way helps them to broaden their horizons, forge stronger bonds with the people of the city and their diverse situations, and that this contact reinvigorates their commitment to the Pauline apostolate.