The FSPs and World Communications Day


The FSPs of Bucharest recently spent 10 days visiting a number of schools and parishes in Moldava, Eastern Romania, to guide reflections on the Message of Pope Francis for World Communications Day: Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter.

The words, sounds and images of their presentation helped about 450 students and their teachers to assimilate the Pope’s message more profoundly, gave everyone the chance to ask many questions and opened the eyes of all to new horizons concerning the Internet, where people today spend so much time.

The discovery that the social media are a new way to communicate with others and establish positive relations with them, and that this new culture can enrich us as individuals and groups, gave rise to a very fruitful dialogue about the positive and negative aspects of this instrument of communication.

The icon of the Good Samaritan helped the young people think more deeply about how to communicate in the digital world, how to be neighbors to one another on this digital highway, and how to use it to reach communication/communion with Christ and others. In evaluating this apostolic experience, our sisters thank the Lord for the seed that was sown and say that their mission to the schools made them realize how much help both children and adults need to use the communications culture in a positive way. It is up to us, as FSPs, to accept the challenge to form them!