Ecumenical Symposium on Gender Relations in the Church


To mark International Woman’s Day, the Daughters of St. Paul of Mumbai, in collaboration with St. Joseph Convent High School (Bandra), organized an Ecumenical Celebration followed by a Symposium on Gender Relations in the Church.

The Symposium’s biblical text of reference was Genesis 1:27: “God created humankind in his image… .” Guest speakers offered interesting and enlightening input on themes such as equality, the man-woman partnership and the need for attitudinal changes in this regard. The Symposium was then opened to the audience, evoking enthusiastic participation in the session. Our sisters of Mumbai also organized an All-Religion Prayer and Get-Together to foster unity, peace, justice, integration and mutual sharing in view of building a better society and world.

The prayer ser-vice was followed by a panel of young people from different religious backgrounds, who spoke on the theme “The Relevance of Religion for Youth Today.” At the end of the day, the message rang loud and clear: “Our differences should be something to celebrate, not a cause of division and conflict.”