“Scrutinize”: A Second Letter to Men and Women Religious


The Pontifical Council for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life has announced the publication of a second circular letter in preparation for the Year of Consecrated Life (30 Nov. 2014–2 Feb. 2016). Entitled, Scrutinize: To Men and Women Religious on the Move Under the Signs of God, the text, which is guided by the words of Pope Francis, urges all religious to “constantly move ahead under the inspiration of that virtue which is a pilgrim virtue: joy!”

The Introduction to the letter says that the consecrated life must “measure itself against provisional certitudes, new situations, continual provocations, and the passionate pleas of contemporary humanity. […] The purpose of the letter is to place this precious legacy in the hands of all consecrated persons, to spur them on to remain resolute and faithful to the Lord (cf. Acts. 11:23-24) and to continue this journey of grace”–a journey of communion and discernment that scrutinizes the horizon of history and calls religious to be a gift in the many crossroads of the world and its cultures.

On p. 53 of the Document, the Pauline Family is described as a religious organization that “strives to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an integral way.” Deo gratias!