Recounting the Bible to Children


In September, the month dedicated to the Bible, the FSPs and their collaborators in the city of Arequipa carried out for the second consecutive year the initiative, The Bible Recounted to Children–an event calling for collaboration, unity of strength and programming.

The residents of Arequipa participated with great enthusiasm in the educational and recreational moments of the day, which were held in our FSP book center and other places in the city.

Our sisters tell us that this experience has yielded many different fruits, prompting them to continually search for biblical material for children, concretize agreements and improve their team work. With the help of many parents and their children, our small Book Center was turned into an awesome “stage” filled with color, music, games and suggestions to the children as to how to apply the Bible to daily life, reminding everyone that the Pauline apostolate is always directed to the service of the Gospel and the promotion of culture.