Pauline Multimedia Productions Receives Anassilaos Award


On 17 November 2012, the 24th Anassilaos Awards Ceremony was held in Reggio Calabria, in keeping with tradition. Every year the panel of judges, made up of distinguished representatives of the sciences and arts on both the Italian and European levels, confer awards on individuals or groups/institutions that have made outstanding contributions in the fields of the Arts, Culture, Economics and the Sciences. The award list has now been expanded to include the John Paul II Peace Award.

This year’s prestigious Culture Award was accepted by Sr. Bruna Fregni, FSP, on behalf of Pauline Multimedia Productions. The award honors the FSPs, who are approaching their centenary of foundation, for their publications/products in various areas of communication.

It is a public recognition of the fact that through their apostolate, the Paulines are striving to build a culture of hope permeated by human-Christian values and ethics, and that is characterized by a feminine viewpoint deriving from their commitment as consecrated women to proclaiming the Gospel in today’s media-driven society.