Pauline Family Vocation Week


Motivated by the theme of the Pauline Family’s Vocation Year: “Fan into a flame the gift of God that is in you” (2 Tm. 1:6), several members of the Pauline Family in Brazil organized a Vocation Week in Arcoverde in the State of Pernambuco. Our missionaries were offered hospitality in San Gerardo Maiella Parish, where they spent a very busy week visiting the families, the sick, young people, schools, prisons and rest homes in the municipality, and also paid a visit to Radio Agnus Dei. In addition to this intensive agenda, the team held formation meetings for catechists and pastoral and social workers.

At the end of the week, the PF Vocation Team thanked all the parishioners for their welcome, collaboration and hospitality, especially the families with whom they stayed during their time there.

We ask the Divine Master to make the abundant seed sown by our Pauline missionaries take root in the hearts of everyone they met, especially the many young people in the parish.