Pauline Cooperators Meeting


The FSP Cooperators of Peru-Bolivia gathered in Lima, Peru from 31 August–2 September 2012 for a national meeting. The encounter was guided by Dr. Arturo Reyes, director of Red Haciendo Lideres Peru and creator of the Pastoral Coaching Method used in formation work. The meeting, held as a preparation for the Year of Faith, helped all the participants reinvigorate their enthusiasm in following the path traced out by Fr. Alberione as they communicate the message of God to the world through the book center apostolate.

Goals of the meeting:

1. to help the Cooperators reinvigorate their enthusiasm for the Pauline charism, the font of inspiration for their apostolic activities;
2. to create a climate favorable to interpersonal relations and collaboration between the various departments of the book center;
3. to make the most of the talents of our lay collaborators by using Pastoral Coaching (a modern instrument for personal and professional formation) to help develop each individual’s gifts;
4. to train our collaborators to use new instruments like strategic and pastoral marketing so as to make their book center activities more effective;
5. to draw up an Organization Manual to facilitate planning in every sector of the Pauline apostolate.