Niwano Peace Prize Awarded to Dena Merriam


Dena Merriam will be awarded the 31st Niwano Peace Prize for her leadership of the Global Peace Initiative for Women.

By means of their choice, the International Selection Committee and the Niwano Peace Foundation want to underscore Ms. Merriam’s “determined and creative work for peace, and her deep commitment to making the spiritual dimensions of the work of peace an integral part of a rich and diverse set of activities that address many of the most critical issues facing today’s world.”

In presenting the reasons for their choice, the Selection Committee defined Dena Merriam as “a leader in bringing together the voices and energy of women who are inspired by their faith so that they truly form the nucleus of an unprecedented global movement.” This year’s award recognizes Ms. Merriam’s tireless work to ensure that the insights of eastern and western religions come together in a wise balance.

The award ceremony will take place in Tokyo, Japan on 16 May.