Nagasaki: Rediscovering Christians via the Website


The civil prefecture of Nagasaki has set up a website called that presents the history and traditions of the Catholics of this region of Japan. The decision of the local government to help people get to know the region’s Christian sites has nothing to do with faith but it is an excellent chance to further the work of evangelization in Japan. As Bishop Joseph Mitsuaki Takami, Archbishop of Nagasaki, said: “It was a [political] choice based on economics, but the Church can use it as a new opportunity for evangelization.” For now, the content of the new website is only available in Japanese but soon it will also be available in English and Korean. The goal of the website is to obtain UNESCO’s recognition of the churches and castles built between the 16th and 19th centuries in the Nagasaki region as “world heritage sites” in 2016. One of the proposed sites is Oura Cathedral, the church in which the “hidden followers” of Christ who had survived religious persecution by the government “reappeared.”