Taking the Bible to a Dumpsite


Fr. Alberione told the Daughters of St. Paul that their borders are the borders of the entire world. Firmly believing this message, Sr. Victorina Quimpan and Sr. Ling Gutierrez translated the Founder’s words into concrete action by taking the Bible to families living near the Inayawan dumpsite in Cebu–a 16-hectare landfill in which all the garbage of the city is dumped.

Although Cebu City is one of the most modern urban areas in the country, countless families live near the enormous landfill, in which about 700 tons of garbage are dumped every day in complete disregard for the health and wellbeing of both the residents and the environment. The people the sisters visited, mostly mothers and their children, showed great enthusiasm and joy at being invited to learn to read and pray the Bible.

To help them maintain this resolve, each family received a copy of the Bible in the local language, Cebuano. For the Daughters of St. Paul, contact with the poor and the chance to break the bread of the Word with them is an opportunity to witness to the values of the Kingdom of God and foster human and religious formation.