Meetings for Apostolic Formation


In 2013, the Daughters of St. Paul of our Congo-Ivory Coast Delegation completed two major apostolic undertakings: the renovation of the FSP book center in Kinshasa (Congo) and the construction of a large and spacious book center in Abidjan (Ivory Coast).

The Kinshasa Center has already been inaugurated and the one in the Ivory Coast will soon be open to the public. After the completion of these structural transformations, our sisters participated in two courses of apostolic formation, which took place from 1-12 July.

The purpose of the courses was to help the members of the delegation reflect more deeply on the Pauline charism and come to better understand the importance of diffusion via the Internet.

Taking as her point of departure the theme, Like Paul, to be all to all; like Alberione, to feel the urgent need to evangelize, Sr. Natalia Maccari, who is in charge of our International Secretariat for the Apostolate (SIA), guided the sisters in a formation itinerary that touched the most important aspects of diffusion: from the Founder’s intuitions concerning the apostolate, to its roots in our charism, to today’s new forms of online distribution.

Her talks were reinforced by workshops in which the participants concretized the input they received by adapting it to their local situations.