Media Convergence and Social Responsibility


Last month, the FSPs of the Philippines-Malaysia-Papua NG-Thai Province held their 4th Pauline Media Practictioners’ Assembly in Pasay City (Manila). Participating in the event were sisters involved in the radio/TV ministry, audiovisual department and publishing sector, as well as those on the Social Communications Commission and others involved in the Diocesan pastoral program. All were encouraged to take an active part in the encounters, which were organized around the theme, Media Convergence and Social Responsibility.

The reflection guided by Sr. Consolata Manding on the message of Pope Benedict XVI for the 46th World Communications Day underscored the importance of making more space in one’s life for silence. As the Pope said, “When messages and information are plentiful, silence becomes essential if we are to distinguish what is important from what is insignificant or secondary.”

Other talks, which dealt with guidelines for monitoring radio and TV programs, the laws and ethics governing movie and TV programs, and the duties and functions of local regulatory councils highlighted the urgent need for greater convergence and a greater sense of social responsibility in this area.

The participants were challenged to use the Internet–an optimum instrument of media convergence–to reach more people with the Word of God.