Congratulations, Facebook: A Billion Subscribers in 10 Years!


It came into the world almost like a game on 4 February 2004 and today it is the most popular social network in the world, with a financial turnover of 5 billion US dollars.

Born on the campus of Harvard University, USA, under the inspiration of the university’s directory of photos and basic information, the platform greeted the world with the invitation: “Join Facebook!” Now, ten years later, the social network has become a sort of “virtual country” with 1.2 billion “citizens.”

Facebook has changed the way in which people talk to one another and share their daily experiences. It has little by little surpassed blogging and has broken many privacy “tabus.” In the course of its evolution, it stimulated many people of all ages to become better acquainted with the new technologies.

Then, with the advent of the “smart phone,” it penetrated the lives of people even more profoundly thanks to its app on the device. Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook, remains firm in his resolve to use this platform to connect the world. As of now 1.2 billion people use it and, as Zuckerberg says, “we will continue to work to get the other 5 billion people online.”