Sharing the Pauline Charism with the Laity


In 2010-2011, the Daughters of St. Paul of Bucharest, in collaboration with Fr. Guido Gandolfo, ssp, accompanied a group of lay people on an itinerary designed to concretize the appeal of the Apostle Paul to -revive the gift of God that is in you.

Aware that “all the members of the people of God are workers in the Lord’s vineyard” (cf. Christifideles Laici, n. 55), our sisters held seven monthly encounters with the laity to share with them the charism given to the Pauline Family and the entire Church.

In a familial and deeply spiritual atmosphere, the participants (youth and adults, laity and religious, Catholics and Orthodox) reflected on themes such as the common priesthood of the people of God, the spiritual-apostolic experience of Fr. James Alberione, and the figures of St. Paul and Jesus Master.

Our sisters say that it was deeply moving to see the group gathered around Jesus Eucharist and Word during the times of Eucharistic adoration, praying with and for the Church. As the formation sessions progressed and the participants discovered the depth of the Pauline spirituality and the ways it is enriching their spiritual life, they enthusiastically welcomed the proposal to continue this faith journey so as to live and communicate Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life always more fully in their daily contexts.

Thus the FSP community of Bucharest will resume these monthly encounters in the autumn with the help of Fr. Guido, who will trace out for the group an itinerary centered on Donec Formetur Christus in Vobis.