Christmas 2020


Making God Present in the World

Luke 2:1-14


What is Christmas for us if not a fresh awareness that we must unite ourselves more and more to the God who dwells within us, enabling us to make him present–to incarnate him–in the world.

We celebrate Christmas to the degree that our life becomes a sacrament of God, who has expanded his presence within us, and when we then act according to the life born of this union, namely: by radiating around us positive energies capable of saturating history; light capable of transfiguring the present; freedom; intelligence; trust; hope; the ability to both yearn for and do what is good.

We live Christmas to the degree that, transfigured by God-in-us, we become peacemakers by counteracting evil with good, by lifting up the downtrodden, by viewing the limitations, weaknesses and faults of other not as excuses to respond with hostility and violence, but as chances to witness to acceptance and forgiveness, seeing them as opportunities for rebirth.

Only then will we be able to sing on that holy night: Glory to God in heaven and peace to all people on earth.

Taken from the homilies of Fr. Paolo Scquizzato

Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord;
let us cry out to the rock of our salvation.
Psalm 95:1

