Catholic Social Media Summit 3.0


In view of the upcoming visit of Pope Francis to the Philippines (15-19 January 2015), a meeting is being organized there to improve the approach to and use of the new information technologies, encouraging everyone to consider the social network as “an instrument of mission and a means to meet others.”

The idea was proposed by the Filipino Catholic Youth Movement, Youth Pinoy, which is dedicated to carrying out the Church’s mission online. Supported by the Episcopal Conference, the movement gave birth to the Catholic Social Media Summit 3.0, held from 13-14 September in the Lingayen Formation Center on the island of Luzon.

More than 1,500 delegates from different countries around the world participated in the event, which aimed to promote the use of the social network not only as a means of personal interfacing but also as an instrument that fosters peace and allows people to listen to and help one another.