Born from the Eucharist, we live from the Eucharist


Even though they are the “last born,” the FSP Juniors of Europe reflected profoundly on this theme during their annual meeting at the Generalate so as to discover in a fresh way the roots of their vocation and of the Pauline charism. From 24 August–2 September 2014, nine Juniors (7 from Europe and 2 from Korea) joyfully participated in an enriching formation experience under the guidance of Sr. Germana Santos.

After an informal and lively exchange of ideas with the Superior General, Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, and then with the General Councilors for Formation, Sr. Clarice Wisniewski and Sr. Karen Anderson, the group listened to valuable input concerning the Pauline Eucharistic Visit (Sr. Germana), the Eucharistic Spirit of Maestra Thecla (Sr. Maria Grazia Gabelli, fsp), the Celebration of the Eucharist (Sr. Ana Maria Mazzurana, pddm), and the Charismatic Dimension of the Eucharist (Fr. Emilio Cicconi, ssp).

Taking to heart the mission of the Pauline Family, our young sisters then listened with great interest to the testimonies of several Daughters of St. Paul who have happily lived the Pauline life for many years in various contexts: Sr. Rosaria Aimo, who carried out the Pauline mission with great fervor and faith in Latin America; Sr. Adeodata Dehò, who has been working for many years with great dedication on the Alberione Opera Omnia in the International Secretariat for Spirituality, Sr. Carla Dugo, who carries out the Pauline apostolate in the Congo with great zeal in spite of the many problems in that part of the world, and Sr. Letizia Panzetti, who worked alongside Sr. Assunta Bassi in our central headquarters for the apostolate during the very busy 1950’s and 1960’s (years of great apostolic development and enthusiasm).

Time was also set aside for prayer under the guidance of Fr. Guido Gandolfo, for a visit to the Abbeys of Fossanova and Casamari, and for fraternal moments of recreation, a sharing of ideas and reflection. Every experience served to reinforce theme of the encounter, namely, that having been born from the Eucharist, we are called to transform our whole life into a joyous encounter with Christ and our sisters and brothers.