Worldwide Catechetical Situation


The Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization held a seminar in Rome, Italy from 6-8 March 2104 to study the catechetical situation in Europe, the United States and Latin America.

The purpose of the study was to see what can be done to carry out a common–though differentiated–journey so as to work more organically and effectively in this pastoral field. Sr. M. Rosaria Attanasio, fsp, representing the magazine, Catechisti parrocchiali (Parish Catechists), was one of the 28 experts who participated in the encounter.

The presentation of the catechetical situation in various countries revealed that there are a number of diversities with regard to the contexts in which people are educated in the Faith, with regard to the content proposed, and with regard to the way it is transmitted.

The participants were urged to plunge into the new communications culture and to use the new media languages to teach the Faith in a more appealing and involving way, especially to the younger generations. They were also encouraged to take advantage of the social media to offer meaningful proposals.

The seminar was an optimum opportunity to present the Pauline-Alberionian vision of communicating the whole Christ to the whole person and to highlight today’s urgent need to  link communications and the multimedia with catechesis.