A Light for Europe

From 27 December 2010 to 1 January 2011, our sisters of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic met in the residence of the Pious Disciples in Warsaw, Poland to strengthen their collaboration and lay the foundations for their new delegation.
These 3 FSP communities, located in the heart of Europe, are all distinguished for their international aspect (the sisters come from 11 different countries), their relatively young age (their members include three juniors and a novice), and their fervent desire to be a light for Europe in the continent’s efforts to rediscover its Christian roots.
As European Paulines, our sisters feel their “responsibility to history,” which invites them to dedicate all their energy, creativity and enthusiasm to the Congregation’s mission so that, as Blessed James Alberione put it, “no one will ever be able to say, “we expected to received more light from you.””
Looking with faith to the future, our sisters hope that this new delegation will en-able them to carry out the Pauline mission all together in a more coordinated, meaningful and fruitful way.