Mission on the Move!


After the “online march” of 2020 and four weekends of preparation via online meetings, this year’s Missione in cammino [Mission on the Move] took place from 22-30 August, between the cities of Brindisi and Taranto, organised by the Pauline Family for people between the ages of 16 and 35. The experience consisted of three days of walking through that beautiful part of the country and four days in which the young “marchers” guided a mission among the people in several parishes on the theme: May the Word Speed Forward.

St. Paul would have been pleased to see how the animators of the Pauline Family’s Team for Youth linked walking from place to place with a proclamation of the Word: the people received the Good News through these “walkers of God,” who on their part bore witness to the Gospel.

Beginning 26 August, the participants guided missions in three parishes, in which moments of catechesis and preparation/training in the proclamation of the Gospel alternated with prayer, adoration, and times of sharing the Word with children, young people and adults.

The experience was a “light in the night” and a time of celebration for the communities visited.