New Series of Meetings for the Pauline Cooperators


On Sunday, 24 February 2013, the FSPs of Prague resumed their formation meetings for the community’s group of Pauline Cooperators–an initiative that has been going on for several years now.

Invitation to attend the meetings has now been broadened to include persons who would like to get to know the Pauline charism better. The first encounter of the new cycle was guided by Sr. Anna Matikova, who based her talk on excerpts from Paul’s letters to the Philippians, Corinthians and Thessalonians. In all the texts cited, the Apostle speaks about the role of his co-workers, urging them to imitate him just as he imitated Christ.

As Sr. Anna explained, the imitation Paul proposes is the logic of the cross, of humility, of becoming small and serving others. In fact, even though Jesus was the Son of God, he took on the human condition out of love for us and lived it up to the point of death on the cross. In the same way, Paul and all Christians are called to bear witness to their identity as children of God by living the paschal logic of self-offering.