Disseminating the Bread of Truth


Fr. Alberione said: “The Bread of Truth must be shared with every human being.” The Daughters of St. Paul of Antananarive, Madagascar are putting these words of the Founder into concrete practice through their divulgation of the FSP 2018 Liturgical Calendar. The young sisters of the FSP formation community in Antananarive recently visited 8 parishes of the city to disseminate their Delegation’s latest publication, entitled The Bread of Justice, among the people.

They carried out their mission with great joy and apostolic zeal, firmly convinced that the faithful can participate in the life of the Church more profoundly through reading and reflecting on the Word of God presented in the daily Liturgy. All the other parishes of the diocese received a flyer from the sisters, informing them that this latest Pauline publication can be found in our local book center.

Let us entrust to the Divine Master everyone who obtains a copy of the text in the hope that it will facilitate their Christian journey by helping them deepen their love for the Word of God.