FSP St. Paul Multimedia Center Celebrates Its 25thAnniversary


The FSP International Multimedia Center in Rome is celebrating its 25th birthday! Opened in 1989, the Center, which is located just outside St. Peter’s Square, is by now known throughout the world for its excellent stock and warm hospitality.

It offers its visitors publications in 5 different languages and is enriched with departments for audiovisuals, music, DVDs and mini-media. One of the sisters who works in the Center comments: “Looking back over the Center’s short lifespan, we ourselves are amazed at the beautiful journey we have made. We are grateful to God and to the Congregation for this apostolic work, which has become a reference point for bishops, priests and religious from all over the world, for lay people, families, students and professors from the various universities here in Rome, and also for pilgrims from many different countries.

All the members of the staff, both sisters and lay collaborators, are competent in the languages and sectors in which they work, and all share the same ideal: to carry out their service in a professional way, striving to make the Center’s distinguishing feature the cordial welcome it offers to its clients and solicitous attention to their needs. From the beginning, St. Paul Multimedia has also offered the public various cultural services such as press conferences, meetings on biblical themes, presentations of ecclesial events, book launches that include the chance to speak with the authors, etc.–all geared to helping those interested grow in the Faith and in the Christian life.

We invite our sisters on all the continents to rejoice with us for having reached this milestone and ask them to join us in thanking the Lord for this Pauline window on the world.”