Fides News Agency: 90 years of Service to the Church


Fides News Agency, founded in 1927 by the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, is the first Missionary Agency of the Church and among the first agencies in the world to use the press to disseminate information about the Church’s missionary activity. It also encourages animation and cooperation with this activity through vocational promotion and spiritual and material help.

Adapting to the changes taking place in the world of communications while at the same time remaining faithful to its original mission, Fides continues to call attention to the work of the Church throughout the world, providing information about peoples, situations and communities often ignored by international media circuits, which are perpetually in search of “scoops.”

This is a demanding task, given the increasingly multi-religious and multi-cultural context of the modern world, in which the modes of divulgating information have changed profoundly and are often manipulated by special interest groups. But Fides is courageously confronting the challenge. Today, 90 years after its foundation, it continues to be the voice of countries and churches neglected by the major news outlets and to present to the world the vast scope of the Church’s mission to proclaim the Gospel of Christ ad gentes, including through use of the new “areopagi” of communications.