We carry you in our hearts

Letter of sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato, superior general fsp


Dearest Sisters,

It is a pleasure to begin this letter, the last that will come out for the Information Bulletin during the present General Government’s term of office, with St. Paul’s words to the Christians of Philippi:

I thank my God whenever I think of you, and every time I pray for you all, I always pray with joy for your partnership in the Gospel…. It is only right that I should feel like this because you have a place in my heart, since you have all shared together in the grace that has been mine… (Phil. 1:3-7).

We are profoundly grateful to the Lord, who entrusted us with this ministry of service and never ceased to accompany, support and inspire us along the way. His protection preserved us from every type of danger during our innumerable trips abroad. His mercy made up for our errors. His light clarified our doubts, guided our discernments and enlightened our decisions. His Word helped us listen attentively to the many voices of life that were raised, often without clamor, from the different contexts in which we live and work.

In these years, we experienced on many occasions how the Lord acted through our weakness and poverty. The promise he made long ago to young James Alberione resounded in us with extraordinary effectiveness: “Do not be afraid. I am with you. From here I want to enlighten. Be sorry for sin.” That promise was our strength, above all in times of darkness and fatigue.

How true it is that everything is a gift and that it all leads to the Magnificat.

As we prepare to conclude our service of governing–a time during which we did our best to work in solidarity for the good of the Congregation–we want to confide to you, our sisters, what we carry in our hearts.

First of all, a deep sense of gratitude to each and every one of you for your trust in us, for the warm hospitality and support you offered us, for your diligent collaboration in disseminating the Gospel through prayer, self-offering and by generously carrying out the apostolate in its various forms. Our hearts are also filled with awe as we look back on our communal journey over the past six years: awe for the joyous time we spent with you during our Fraternal Visits and for the many meetings that took place; for the communion everyone sought and which was put into concrete practice through sharing; for your frequently expressed desire to live the Gospel and its requirements more profoundly, to serve the Church and to feel the needs of humanity; for the problems that you faced with courage and hope; for the love of the Congregation that has always united us and spurred us on to overcome all obstacles.

It was a journey that took place, from beginning to end, under the benevolent gaze of Jesus.

We ask you to please forgive our shortcomings, slowness to take action, omissions, and failures to understand you. Help us to place everything in the arms of our merciful Father.

As Prima Maestra loved to say: “We carry you in our hearts…all of you, from the oldest to the youngest.” We pray for all of you solicitously and affectionately, asking the Lord, who began this good work in you, to bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ (cf. Phil. 1:6).

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of us in the next stage of our journey and prepare us to bring forth new fruit on the charismatic, vocational and apostolic levels. We ask this through the intercession of St. Paul, whose feast we are celebrating in these days, Blessed James Alberione, Maestra Thecla and all the sisters who have preceded us, fructifying our story with their holiness.

With profound gratitude and affection.

Rome, 15 June 2013
90th Anniversary of the Birth of the FSPs
