"Blessed are the footsteps of those who proclaim the Gospel, the Good News of peace!"

Sr Veronica

For me, this was the powerful attraction:
adult sisters who little by little revealed
that they were profoundly rooted in the Scriptures and adoration;
who were able to speak the languages of people of all ages
and all countries so as to SERVE Jesus and all humanity.

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sr. Lorenzina

Now I am here among the senior and sick sisters.
Above all I pray, since now I have more time:
time to read the Bible well;
time to prepare myself for the Liturgy;
time to make the Hour of Adoration better. Prayer!

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Sr Maria Grace

Of all the essential ingredients
that go into my life as a Daughter of St. Paul,
I think community life is the one
I most tend to take for granted.
I’m frequently in awe of the mission
we have been given,
and on fire for communicating Christ
to the people of our world today.

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"The Pauline Family must be St. Paul alive today.”

Blessed James Alberione