The Faith and Prophetic Spirit of Benedict XVI


On 4 May, the FSP International Multimedia Center, Rome, hosted a meeting to present a recent publication: Benedict XVI: the Faith and Prophetic Spirit of History’s First Pope Emeritus by Giovan Battista Brunori (a Vatican reporter for Italy’s TV news channel, Tg2). Bishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, and Fr. Federico Lombardi, sj (president of the Ratzinger Founder and ex-director of the Vatican Press Office) cast interesting light on some of the distinctive features of the Pope Emeritus and the acts and events that took place during his pontificate. All of these are mentioned in Brunori’s book, which reveals the rich and fascinating figure of Benedict XVI, a deeply spiritual theologian whose profound teachings were powerfully aimed at “cleaning” the Church and defending the faith of ordinary Catholics.

The well-attended book launch helped to increase the admiration and affection of the participants for the Pope Emeritus and also gave them the chance to express their appreciation for the publications of the Daughters of St. Paul, which they said incite them to view human thinking, culture and history in a fresh way.