A Book Is a Caress of the Heart


Librixloro is the name of a solidarity initiative carried out every December for the small patients of pediatric oncology wards in various Italian hospitals. Its slogan, A Book Is a Caress of the Heart, expresses the importance that books can have for sick children who are obliged to undergo long periods of hospitalization.

The project stems from the collaboration of the FSP Publishing Group, Italy and Fiagop (National Federation of Parental Associations of Children and Adolescents who have contracted tumors or leukemia). The two groups already carried out a similar joint initiative in 2014.

The request of our sisters to the public is that they not only donate a book to the project but also write a message to the children on the flyleaf so that the gift does not remain a detached and anonymous gesture but instead is transformed into a caress of the heart. Those who want to participate in the enterprise can do so through any of the FSP book centers scattered throughout Italy or else online. The FSP Publishing Group itself has donated 500 books to the initiative.

Supporting it as media partners are the Pauline Communication and Culture Onlus Association, which has contributed a number of packages of books to the undertaking, and the Italian Bishops’ Conference, through its TV2000-Radioinblu channel.