15 June: “A Day of Blessing”

Celebrating the Day of Our Birth


Celebrating the Origins of Our Vocation
G. 15 June is the anniversary of our birth. The Pauline charism was entrusted to a small community to whom Fr. Alberione opened infinite horizons: a great holiness to be attained together; an apostolate of evangelization whose borders were the entire world; the interior life and universal spirit of St. Paul; and the dynamic thrust linked to the most rapid and effective instruments of communication.
At the beginning of this year of preparation for our 10th General Chapter and the 97th year of our Congregation’s life, we want to celebrate this anniversary on a very profound level so as to:
        thank the Lord for the story of salvation he shaped with us: a story illuminated and sustained by faith in his presence
         among us;
        immerse ourselves in the graces connected to our foundation so as to revive them today and move toward the future with
         the daring and prophetic faith of Fr. Alberione and Maestra Thecla;
       deepen our spirit of unity in spite of the fact that we are scattered to the four corners of the world, striving to be one in heart
         and soul and to look to the future together as we proclaim the Gospel to everyone;
        come to better understand that our mission is the fruit of our faith: “We believe and so we speak,” that is to say, we carry out
         the apostolate motivated and sustained by faith in Christ the Master, in the Gospel and in our vocation. …+ more